Thursday 22 February 2018

Robert Mugabe turns 94 yesterday but he felt unloved as the celebrations are not as lavish as usual

Today, ousted Zimbabwean president RObert Mugabe turned 94 but it wasn't the usual fan fare that comes with it.

According to a report by BBC, Mugabe looked tired and sad, while the former ebullient first lady seemed gloomy, no smiles as they met African Union chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat.

Mr Mugabe reportedly told Mr Muhamat that "he resigned for the sake of peace and development in the country".  Although he is no longer in power, Mugabe's birthday his 94th is still a public holiday and this year, he celebrated indoors, away from the public glare.

It is a far cry from previous years, when his staff presented him with massive birthday cakes at colourful functions at his office.

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