Thursday 22 February 2018

Woman found with intestines hanging out after being gang raped with metal bar in India

A woman is fighting for her life after being raped with a metal bar by a gang of men.
The woman, believed to be 19 or 20, was found with her intestines outside her body under a bridge in south Dinajpur, India.
It is believed that she had been lying there for around 18 hours following the brutal attack in West Bengal before she was found by a passerby. Police said that a metal object had been inserted inside her over the weekend while returning from a fair.
Dhamu Soren told the Hindustan Times: "I noticed the woman lying in an unconscious state. I sprinkled water on her face and she stirred. At that time, I noticed her intestine was coming out from her private parts."
He added: "The woman told me a resident of Dehaband village and some other persons abducted her and gang-raped her in a secluded place. It seems after raping the girl the accused assaulted her with some weapon as a result of which her intestine came out."
Medical superintendent Amit Kumar Dawn said: "A team of specialist doctors have conducted surgeries and she is responding well."

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